The Different Features of iOS And Android

Close to one hundred percent of smart phone users operate their devices using either Android or iOS. In fact, most app developers focus their energies on providing software that is compatible with any of the two. Situations arise where choices have to be made regarding the platform to be served first regarding a new app. Under such circumstances, it is better to know how to prioritize by looking at the basic differences that both platforms have.

The end-user will benefit from knowing that Android commands over half of the market. This means that there are probably more apps available for Android than there are for the iOS. However, developers are not driven by market statistics. Users of Android do not share exactly the same characteristics as those of the iOS. The following differences serve as a guide as to why apps are developed based on priorities that are not in any way related to the market.


There two platforms cater for different categories of users with Apple delivering apps that focus on more high end users. Android on the other hand is open-sourced and brings the benefits in using a smart phone to a much larger audience. Apple reaches out to a more mobile media engaged clientele and this is what marks out a key difference between the two.


Another major difference is in the brand loyalty and customer satisfaction. iPhone users believe that their devices offer a superior advantage to them when compared to the Android platform. The truth is that Android has made some major advances that have actually given it an edge in usability. Apple has the advantage in linking its hardware and software as compared to Android that has no backing from Google in a similar way.


Apple smart phone users are leading when it comes to making transactions on their mobile devices. Android users are not as keen. Consequently, there are more monetary transaction apps that are available on the iOS platform than there are on Android. As such, retail developers will focus more on a market where there products and services have a better uptake.


In terms of content, Android users are much greater in number. However, Apple users engage more intensively and this creates a dilemma for developers. They have to choose between numbers and the extent to which there is engagement in content categories. Basically, the two groups of users have different habits of engagement and this is determined to an extent by the platform used.

Age Group

Apple has managed to corner the market of young and upwardly mobile users. Conversely, the average income of iPhone users is significantly higher than users on the Android platform. In other words, there are more Android smart phone users than iPhone users because of their affordability. This poses a challenge to developers because they have to look at volumes in relation to sales and revenue.

Consequently, the differences that do exist between the iOS and Android users are determined by average income and brand loyalty because the latter platform is more affordable whereas, there is perhaps, more quality and exclusivity that goes into the development of an iPhone. Have you got an old Apple device you wanna sell you quick cash? Look no further than Zarax!

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